
Educational institutions’ persistent problem is cheating in exams, causing a lack of trust in the evaluation process and undermining the value of academic achievements. Traditional examination methods have become inadequate in preventing cheating, leading to the need for a more robust and secure exam system. However, with the increasing availability of technology, online exam systems are emerging as a powerful solution to prevent cheating in exams.

These systems offer a range of features that can detect and prevent cheating, ensuring that students are evaluated based on their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

In this blog, we will explore 9 innovative solutions to stop cheating in exams with the help of an online exam system. So let’s dive in and discover how technology is transforming the evaluation process and promoting a culture of honesty and fairness in education.

The solution to stop cheating in exams

1) Secure access to your examination content or question paper

You need to ensure that authorized users can access your examination. This prevents others from viewing your exams and prevents them from sharing questions.

This can happen if you share your examination link with a specific user’s mail. Send an email invitation to join the examination. And send the credential just an hour before the examination and ask students to check before a quiz, to check link is correctly working or not.

However, people can use the same code multiple times with different names, so you will need to track this using the IP address on the analysis screen. Make sure only one person has unique information when joining, for example, a surname, employee ID, or student ID number.

2) Randomisation of Questions and Answers

Randomisation of questions and answers ensures that no two students receive the same set of questions. This feature makes it difficult for students to cheat by sharing answers.

It is harder for students to copy from someone’s screen or discuss questions if they are using different versions of the same exam. This helps prevent students from looking at each other’s screens or chatting about exam content. Example: institute organizes their question paper with question paper generator software, mainly dividing papers into 4 categories like question papers A, B, C, and D so, students who take the exam near the second student will have different questions number.

This solution also ensures that students are evaluated based on their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

3) Limits the number of times students view the questions

Mainly centre-based online exam, it has a feature that students can save&view time. Questions that students don’t know about generally in this category, so to prevent misuse of this feature you can add Limits on the number of times students view the questions.

When you maximize the number of times students can view your questions, it gives them less time to look at the information, research, and complete the quiz later.

Use one of the following options:

1. You should limit the number of times students can complete your online quiz.

2. The test can be configured so students can see one question at a time, and once they submit their response, they cannot go back to the previous question.

3. Allow students to retake the quiz only if they fail the first time.

4) Timed Exams

Add a time limit to the whole examination. With ConductExam you can add enough time for the examination.

This solution makes it harder for students to cheat by looking up answers online or consulting textbooks during the exam. It also helps students to manage their time more efficiently and ensures that they focus on answering the questions to the best of their abilities.

5) Include a free format option

The free format question allows students to share information, feedback and ideas. A free-format question should reflect each student’s unique way of thinking, so every answer should be slightly different. So, now if the same answers were getting by one or many students that it might possible that cheating happened in the examination.

Conductexam allows you to choose question paper with a single choice, multiple choice question answers, true-false, fill in the blanks, match the following, matrix match, and descriptive questions. So, you can add free text questions type that allows students to type their answers according to their understanding.

In addition, in offline-based computer exams students can attach a file with their calculations and thinking.

6) Locking the Browser

Locking the browser prevents students from opening any other application during the exam, ensuring that they cannot use any other programs to cheat. This feature also ensures that students are not distracted by other programs, enabling them to focus solely on the exam questions.

7) Proctor the exam

Recent online exam software trends make the exam more secure with AI proctoring software. With proctoring software teachers and supervisors view students’ activity in exams. Proctor exams with an LMS system have features like two-factor authentication, continuous recording of sound and video, facial recognition, location tracking, checking the double camera, and audio proctoring.

Remote proctoring allows for the monitoring of students during an exam remotely. This feature ensures that students are not receiving help from other people or accessing materials that they are not allowed to during the exam. Remote proctoring is a highly effective solution to prevent cheating, as it allows for real-time monitoring of the student, and ensures that the exam is conducted in a secure environment.

Audio and video monitoring of students, this feature enables the identification of any cheating behaviour and provides evidence that can be used to take appropriate action against the student.

8) Prevent test-takers from copying and sharing your questions

Several methods can be used to stop test-takers from copying and sharing your questions.

  1. Firstly, do not share the PDF of responses until everyone has submitted their tests.

  2. You can customize the results page and notifications to see relevant data at the time.

  3. You can limit the ability of test-takers to copy, cut, or print any information.

Anti-plagiarism software can detect if students are copying and pasting answers from other sources, ensuring that they are using their knowledge to answer exam questions. This solution ensures that students are evaluated based on their understanding of the material, and promotes academic integrity.

9) Let students know that you can identify cheating

ConductExam provides powerful reporting as a web-based software solution that helps identify suspicious behaviours. Students may be more inclined to think twice about their actions by being reminded of reporting option.

So, to stop cheating make sure institutions or organizations provide guidelines to students that what actions make them suspend able for exams.


An online exam system can provide feedback and review to students after the exam to ensure that they have understood the topics covered in the exam. It enables the identification of any areas where the student may require further instruction, and promote continuous learning.

An online exam system can help prevent cheating in exams by implementing features such as randomization of questions and answers, timed exams, locking the browser, remote proctoring, audio and video monitoring, and multiple choice questions. These features ensure that students are evaluated based on their knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, promoting the integrity of exams and the quality of education.


How do people cheat when taking an online test?

Usually, people searching answers on the internet or asking to others.

Can I prevent cheating with Easy LMS?

Yes, LMS has several features to help you prevent online cheating. You can combine it with other tools to make your exam even more secure. Check out our blog to know more about How to proctor exams on an LMS.