Colleges & Universities
Our Online Exam Software software enables Colleges Universities to conduct exams like entrance exams, internal assessments, scholarship exams, recruitment exams, practice & final exams. ConductExam software provides the next level of user-friendly and accurate services to conduct the online test and offline test for mass users.
Both Web Based Online Test and Computer Based Offline Test services go well with colleges and Universities where mass users simultaneously appear for the test. The software provides end-to-end solutions right from the students’ registration until the final work of publishing the result and certification.
ConductExam offers an easy way to create a test by selecting the question bank’s questions and defining the date and time to make it active. The option of random/shuffle questions and options are also available in test settings.
The examiner can set exams in multiple languages. ConductExam grades test instantly and give you access to detailed results reports and statistics, making it less time-consuming. The facility of automated email communication conveys details of the exam to the students.