
When we talk about online examinations we always talk about how exams should be protected. Or How many ways online exams can be protected. But we never talk about how the exam’s environment should be. Is it effective for students or not? The examination environment can affect students’ performance. The exam environment should be positive and quiet for offline exams but can you have a question in mind that how the online exam environment is?

Today we gonna talk about how your online examination environment. What things should be available in the examination?

Here is the list of some requirements for creating the best exam environment.

Technical Requirements

Before conducting the online exam or giving it. Students and teachers need to ensure they have the necessary technical requirements. However, some of the tools are common these days because everyone has it. Like the internet but for online exams, you should have a stable internet connection. Other technical gadgets like computers or tablets, and the required software or browser extensions, if any.

Moreover teachers, on the other hand, must ensure that the chosen online exam platform is compatible with students’ devices and is user-friendly. Institutes or organizations should take the mock test for the student to check if their devices are compatible with exam software or not. that reduces the risk of failing to attempt an exam.

Clear Communication

When students give offline exams then there is no channel between teachers and students. However, They can directly connect. If students have some questions regarding question papers then it is easy to get answers in that medium. But in the online exam, there is a different approach.

Clear and effective communication is paramount in an online exam environment. Teachers should provide detailed instructions and guidelines well in advance, covering aspects such as exam format, duration, resources allowed, and submission procedures. Moreover, students must carefully read and understand these instructions to avoid any confusion during the exam. Additionally, establishing channels for real-time communication, such as email or discussion forums, can be beneficial in addressing any queries or concerns.

Time Management

In the Offline mode exam, you can say students have less time than online exam because offline teachers waste some time giving papers to students and also when checking the signature on the answer sheet.

Time is a crucial skill for both students and teachers in an online exam environment. Teachers must design exams that allow students to complete the tasks within a reasonable time frame. Similarly, students should carefully plan their time, allocating sufficient minutes to each section or question.

Reminders about time limits and periodic updates on the remaining time can help students stay on track and complete their exams successfully. The online exam software has already implemented the feature of a time clock on students’ screens. It helps students to manage time according to it. Sometimes it might be precarious.

Academic Integrity with online proctoring

Maintaining academic integrity is of utmost importance in online exams. Teachers should implement measures to prevent cheating, such as randomized question orders, time limits, or the use of proctoring tools. The proctoring tools help organizations to create a secure examination without any cheating disturbance. The proctoring tools have many features like video monitoring, screen monitoring, per question timer, not opening any browser, etc. These features have an advantage for institutes to reduce costs on the workforce. We also talk about this proctoring software detail in ahead of the blog.

Also Read: 9 solutions to stop cheating in exams with the help of an online exam system

Collaboration or seeking unauthorized help during an online exam not only undermines the learning process but also diminishes the credibility of the assessment.

Backup Plans

In an online exam environment, technical glitches or unexpected issues can occur. Both students and teachers should have backup plans in place to mitigate any potential disruptions. That’s why we talk earlier that why the mock test is important. It recognizes the candidate’s system and gives an opinion if their system is able to connect the exam or not.

Students should have backup plans in case of power outages or internet connectivity issues, while teachers may offer alternative assessment methods.

How online proctoring helps an organization to create a secure exam environment

Real-Time Monitoring with online proctoring

A primary advantage of online proctoring is real-time monitoring. Students are monitored during exams using advanced technologies such as webcam and microphone monitoring, screen recording, and eye tracking. Exams do not allow students to visit other browsers or open other software.

As a result, proctors are equipped with the ability to detect any suspicious activity or behaviour. Activities like unauthorized access to external resources, speaking, or excessive eye movements, may indicate cheating.

Enhancing Exam Integrity through Proctoring Measures

It is thought that the availability of online proctoring acts as a deterrent to academic dishonesty. Students are less likely to cheat during exams when they know their actions are being closely monitored. When students know their behaviour is being observed, they are more likely to behave with integrity and accountability, which promotes a fair and secure examination process.

Identity Verification with online proctoring 

In online proctoring platforms, robust identification verification processes are implemented to make sure that the students are, in fact, registered students. Various methods can be used for this, including photo identification, facial recognition, and keystroke analysis. The online proctoring process ensures the accuracy of exam results by ensuring the identity of test-takers and preventing impersonation.

Analysis of behaviour based on AI

Test-taker behaviour patterns can be analyzed using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to identify cheating. If suspicious activities are detected, online proctoring systems can generate alerts for further investigation. For example, getting away from the screen, abnormal mouse movements, or multiple faces in a camera frame are some of the indicators they can detect.


In last words, Online exams are becoming more prevalent and a conducive and fair learning environment must be created for students as well as teachers to ensure students; knowledge is accurately assessed. By implementing online proctoring solutions, educators can have greater confidence in the validity of exam results, while students can trust their hard work and knowledge. ConductExam is providing online exam software that helps institute create a secure examination environment with its advanced feature.