
Online education has become more popular than ever in recent years, and with the global pandemic, it has become a necessity. As a result, Online Exam have become a staple in the education system. However, the biggest concern for educators and institutions is how to ensure the integrity of these exams. This is where automated online proctoring comes in as a solution.

Automated online proctoring is a cutting-edge technology that uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision to monitor exam takers during online exams. It eliminates the need for physical invigilation and makes the exam process more convenient and accessible for students. In 2023 Online Proctoring is the main part of Online exam software trends. With automated proctoring, institutions can ensure the integrity of online exams while saving resources and reducing the logistical burden on faculty.

The capabilities of automated proctoring are vast and include initiating the online chat with the candidates, pausing/resuming an online exam, and verifying candidates using valid ID proof.

Overall, automated online proctoring is a game-changer in the education system, providing a reliable and convenient way to conduct online exams. In this blog, we will see how automated online proctoring simplifies the process of online exam invigilation.

Capabilities of automated online proctoring

The software can Initiate online chat with test-takers

Automated online proctoring systems provide a chat feature that enables proctors to communicate with candidates in real time. This feature allows proctors to provide assistance to candidates who may have technical difficulties or questions related to the exam.

The chat feature also ensures that candidates can communicate with proctors quickly and easily, without the need for additional software. If a student has disconnected the internet then it may problem to chat with the support team. But with the help of early guidelines students have a well-defined process for what to do.

But problems like the question not showing on the screen, the answer is not submitting, or any other queries related to the examination can solve quickly if they connect to the support team.

Pausing/Resuming an Online Exam

Automated online proctoring systems allow proctors to pause and resume online exams if there is a technical issue or if the candidate needs to take a break. This feature is particularly useful in situations where candidates may experience technical difficulties or require a break due to personal reasons.

The ability to pause and resume an exam ensures that candidates have a fair and equal opportunity to complete the exam, regardless of any unexpected issues that may arise. But teachers have to ensure that students do not stand up and go for the reason of cheating. Every technical feature has its pro and cons. So, organizations have to keep track of students.

Also if a student giving an exam from a remote location and has a power cut-off or lost internet connection then automated proctoring software can stop the student’s exam watch automatically to make sure he/she doesn’t lose his/her valuable time.

Candidates are verified using the ID Proof in Online Exam 

Automated online proctoring systems use facial recognition technology to verify the identity of the exam-taker, ensuring that the person taking the exam is a registered candidate. The system prompts the candidate to take a photo of their government-issued ID, which is then compared with the photo taken during the exam.

For the verification, the candidate has to show his/her ID card to the camera and needs to confirm that the photo taken of the ID is clear and readable. Otherwise, they have to retake it. This ensures that the registered candidate is the person taking the exam, and reduces the potential for cheating.

Here are examples of How Online Proctoring can simplify Online Exam?

1) Enhanced Security with Automated Online Proctoring

It provides an additional layer of security for online exams by using advanced technology to monitor exam takers in real time. The system can detect any suspicious behaviour, such as looking away from the screen or attempting to access unauthorised resources.

It also uses facial recognition technology to verify the identity of the exam-taker, ensuring that the person taking the exam is indeed a registered student. This level of security helps ensure the integrity of exam results and also reduces the potential for cheating. Online proctoring is one of the 9 solutions to stop cheating in exams with the online exam system.

2) Eliminates the need for physical proctoring and Invigilation

One of the main advantages of automated online proctoring is that it eliminates the need for physical proctoring. This means that students can take exams from the comfort of their own homes or any location of their choice. The systems use advanced algorithms and machine learning to monitor exams in real-time, detecting any suspicious behaviour and flagging it for further review. This not only saves time but also reduces the cost associated with physical proctoring.

Automated online proctoring ensures that the exam-taker is monitored at all times, thereby reducing the need for physical invigilators.

3) Increases convenience for students during Online Exam

The software makes it easier and more convenient for students to take exams. With this system, students can take exams at any time, from any location, without the need to travel to a physical testing centre. This eliminates the stress and inconvenience associated with travelling to a testing centre and ensures that students can take exams in a comfortable and familiar environment.

4) Provides flexibility for educators 

Online proctoring provides educators with more flexibility in scheduling and administering exams. With this system, educators can create exams and schedule them to be taken at any time, from any location. This not only saves time but also ensures that exams can be administered more efficiently, without the need for physical proctoring.

5) Tracks Every Activity of the Student

Online proctoring tracks every activity of the student during the exam, which can be used for auditing purposes. The system can detect any suspicious behaviour and alert the proctor in real time. The proctor can then review the activity log and take appropriate action, such as cancelling the exam in case of suspected foul play. This level of tracking ensures the integrity of exam results and reduces the potential for cheating.

Students must have to show towards the monitor screen because if he/she looks away for more than 15 seconds then the screen/system shows the warning sign. And if two or more warning sign show during the examination then cheating is counted. But students have one chance to prove that they are not looking because of cheating. If a student or candidate fails to prove that they are innocent then he/she might be suspended from results.

6) Cancels the Online Exam in Case of Suspected Foul Play

The system can cancel an online exam in case of suspected foul play. If the system detects any suspicious behaviour, such as attempting to access unauthorised resources or using a mobile device during the exam, it can alert the proctor in real time.

The proctor can then review the activity log and take appropriate action, such as cancelling the exam. This ensures that the integrity of the exam results is maintained, and reduces the potential for cheating.

In conclusion, online proctoring software offers a convenient and effective solution for ensuring the integrity of online exams. AI proctoring, in particular, is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to detect potential cheating attempts and track every activity of the student during the exam. Understanding the capabilities and benefits of online proctoring can help institutions and educators make informed decisions about how to effectively conduct online exams.


1) What is online proctoring software?

Online proctoring software is a technology that allows for the remote invigilation of online exams. This software uses a combination of advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and computer vision to monitor exam-takers during the exam in real-time.

2) Does Proctorio track eye movement?

Yes, Proctorio is an online proctoring software that uses advanced technology to track eye movement, along with other behaviours such as head and body movements, background noise, and browser activity. This helps to detect any potential cheating attempts during the exam.

3) What are the benefits of AI proctoring?

AI proctoring offers several benefits over traditional methods of exam invigilation. It eliminates the need for physical invigilation, reducing the logistical burden on institutions and making the exam process more convenient for students.

4) Can AI proctors detect online exam cheating?

Yes, AI proctoring is designed to detect any potential cheating attempts during an online exam.

5) What is the difference between automated and live proctoring?

Automated proctoring uses advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and computer vision to monitor exam-takers in real-time during an online exam. It eliminates the need for physical invigilation, reducing the logistical burden on institutions and making the exam process more convenient for students.

Live proctoring, on the other hand, involves a live proctor monitoring the exam-taker in real time through a video conferencing tool. The proctor can intervene if any suspicious behaviour is detected, but this method is more expensive and requires more logistical coordination than automated proctoring.