
The National Education Policy (NEP 2020) is a comprehensive framework for education in India that was approved by the Union Cabinet in July 2020. It is the first education policy of the 21st century and replaces the National Policy on Education (NPE), in 1986.


As the world’s largest economy changes rapidly, the education industry in India is going through a transformation phase. India is one of the youngest nations where knowledge is being built into the future.

The policy aims to transform the entire education system in the country, from school to higher education. It also proposes the establishment of a new National Education Commission, the inclusion of vocational education in schools, the use of technology in teaching, and the promotion of multilingualism.

One of the key areas of focus of the NEP 2020 is the examination system. In this blog, we will discuss how the NEP 2020 will change the environment of the examination system in India.

Here are some of the ways that change the environment of the Examination System

Shift from rote learning to critical thinking

The NEP 2020 emphasizes the need to move away from the rote learning approach and encourage critical thinking among students. The new examination system will focus on testing the conceptual understanding of the students rather than their ability to memorize information. This shift in focus will encourage students to think independently, analyze information, and apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems.

Flexibility in assessment

The NEP 2020 proposes a flexible assessment system, which will allow students to choose from a variety of assessment options, including written exams, online exams, offline exams, projects, and practical tests.

This will provide students with greater autonomy in their learning and reduce the emphasis on high-stakes examinations, which can be stressful and lead to a competitive and unhealthy environment.

Reduction in the importance of board exams

Under the NEP 2020, board exams will be reduced in importance and will serve only as a test of basic knowledge and skills. The policy suggests that the board exams will be conducted twice a year to provide flexibility to students. This will reduce the pressure on students to perform well in board examinations and create a more relaxed environment in schools.

Continuous evaluation

The NEP 2020 proposes the implementation of a continuous evaluation system, where students will be assessed throughout the academic year rather than just at the end. This will help teachers identify the strengths and weaknesses of their students and provide personalized feedback to help them improve.

One of the online exam software trends of 2023 is personalized learning. With the help of online exams, you can evaluate the process automatically and reduce the burden of the teacher’s work.

Introduction of technology-based assessment

The NEP 2020 also emphasizes the need to introduce technology-based assessment tools to improve the quality and efficiency of the examination system. This will include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze the performance of students and provide personalized feedback. A technology-based assessment like computer-based online exam software will also reduce the scope for human error and make the examination process more transparent and fair.

In addition to the changes mentioned above, the NEP 2020 also proposes the introduction of vocational subjects as a part of the curriculum. This will provide students with practical skills that will help them in their future careers. Vocational subjects will also be assessed through a combination of practical and theoretical examinations, providing students with a more holistic evaluation.

Another important aspect of the NEP 2020 is the emphasis on transparency and accountability in the examination system. The policy proposes the creation of an independent body to oversee the examination process and ensure that it is fair and transparent. The body will also be responsible for ensuring that the examination system is aligned with the overall goals of the NEP 2020.

The NEP 2020 also recognizes the importance of teacher training in improving the quality of the examination system. The policy proposes the establishment of a national professional development program for teachers that will focus on developing their skills in designing and evaluating assessments. Here we see how NEP change the environment of the examination system. Now let’s take a look at how NEP 2020 changes the Indian education system.

How NEP will change the education system?

However, in general, a national education policy can have a significant impact on the education system by setting the vision, goals, and direction for education in the country.

Some of the possible ways in which a national education policy could change the education system include:


The NEP could introduce a new curriculum that is more relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with the needs of the 21st-century workplace.


The NEP could encourage the use of innovative teaching methods that focus on active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Teacher training

The NEP could emphasize the need for continuous professional development and provide opportunities for teachers to improve their skills and knowledge.


The NEP could introduce new methods of assessment that are more comprehensive, authentic, and aligned with the learning outcomes.

Access and equity

The NEP could focus on improving access to education for marginalized groups and promoting equity in education.

Technology integration

The NEP could encourage the use of technology in education and provide resources and support for schools to adopt new technologies.

What is the 5334 in NEP 2020?

The 5+3+3+4 in NEP 2020 refers to the new structure of the school education system proposed in the policy. Under this structure, the 12 years of school education will be divided into four stages:

1) Foundational Stage

This stage will cover the first 5 years of education, which will be divided into 3 years of preschool or Anganwadi education (age 3-6) followed by 2 years of primary education (grades 1-2).

2) Preparatory Stage

This stage will cover the next 3 years of education (grades 3-5) and will focus on building a strong foundation in languages, mathematics, science, social sciences, art, and sports.

3) Middle Stage

This stage will cover the next 3 years of education (grades 6-8) and will provide opportunities for experiential learning and building critical thinking skills.

4) Secondary Stage

This stage will cover the last 4 years of education (grades 9-12) and will prepare students for higher education or vocational education, depending on their interests and abilities.

The 5+3+3+4 structure is designed to ensure a strong foundational education for children, provide opportunities for holistic development, and prepare them for the future.

Stages of Implementation for NEP 2020?

The implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 will be carried out in several stages over the next few years. The following are the key stages of implementation:

  • Adoption of NEP 2020 by States
  • Setting up of Implementation Committees
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy Reforms
  • Teacher Training and Professional Development
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Inclusive Education
  • Technological Integration
  • Vocational Education and Skills Development
  • Research and Innovation

Overall, the implementation of the NEP 2020 will require a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including the government, educators, students, and the public.


To achieve the NEP 2020’s goals, colleges and universities in India have set high standards and expectations, so they need to implement the right technology and processes. And with Online Exam Software they can achieve a few things easily. Education institutions can benefit greatly from ERP providers’ services, which help them manage operations and administration efficiently and provide students with the necessary training and skills.

The NEP 2020 is a comprehensive reform that aims to transform the entire education system in India. It has the potential to create a more equitable and inclusive education system that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century.