
Now Online Exams are not new to the market. It’s been 6-7 years since this advanced assessment process take place in the government examination like SSC CGL. The central government decided to conduct online exams in 2016. When online exams are newly implemented then it’s market is not that big but after the Covid pandemic, everything changed. Now online exam software captures a big market in the education industry.

Technology advancement happened every year and online exams need more and more advanced tools to stop cheating. Online proctoring is a big part of the online examination, It reduces the risk of losing the integrity of one institute or organization because it stops almost 99% of cheating in exams.

Also Read: 9 Solutions to stop cheating in Exams with the Help of an online exam system

Nowadays AI(Artificial Intelligence) used algorithms in online proctoring. It helps to implement facial recognition feature more effectively. It also helps in the browse proctoring, student can’t open another tab in the online exam is taking in web-based online exam software.

Implementing per question timer has significant benefits. It also reduces students’ cheating practice in exams. In this blog, we will discuss the advantages of a per-question timer. But first, let’s see what is per-question-timer because some of you don’t know what it is.

What is Per-Question-Timer in Online Exams?

A per-question timer in online exams refers to a specific amount of time limit set for each question while giving an exam. It means that students have limited time to answer each question. If the time limit for a particular question is reached, then the system automatically moves the student to the next question. And students are unable to answer the first question, regardless of whether they have submitted an answer or not.

Per question timer has its advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of a per-question timer is to ensure that students manage their time effectively during the exam. It also maintains consistency across all participants. It helps to prevent students from spending time on one question and it results at the end no more time for the last questions.

The specific duration of the per-question timer can be different depending on the exam and the software organization used. It is set by the exam administrator before starting the exam and also instructions are given to every student.

Advantages of Implementing per question time in Online Exams

1) Make Quicker Decision

This feature helps in the examination that has less time required for one question. Example: Suppose Exam time is 2 hour so it is 120 minutes but the question paper have 200 questions. So, if we do a calculation every question has approximately 36 seconds to solve. So, it is difficult for students to give a specific time to each question on their own.

A per-question timer encourages students to make decisions more efficiently. With a limited amount of time for each question, students are motivated to analyze the question and answer more accurately. It also improves the better time management skills because they learn to allocate time, which question had required more time and which question does not. This feature also helps students to make quick decision making in their personal life.

2) Testing the skills of students

Per question timer increases the skills of the student. By imposing time limits on each question, the per-question timer helps assess the skills and knowledge of students under pressure. If they do not complete their question in time then they lose the mark. so, students analyze the question quickly and find the answer in just mean time.

This feature measures the ability of students to think critically, analyze information, and apply concepts in a limited timeframe. This evaluation method provides valuable insights into students they are or they do not perform in a timely situation. Particularly this also helps in regular life, when the problem comes whether the person can solve it quickly or it takes time for its decision. It also helps them to increase their problem-solving skills which surely helps him/her in their professional life.

3) Avoiding Distractions

Online exam software’s feature of per question timer helps students to focus and avoid distractions during exam time. Because of the limited time for each question, students are more likely to focus on their question papers rather than behind students. This feature helps to increase the integrity of the organization. Moreover, it helps to reduce cheating in examinations because students don’t have time to pay attention to others.

It increases the student’s concentration on the question which helps in the professional life to focus on one project more than any other external factors.

4) Increases the accuracy of candidates

The per-question timer encourages students to read questions fully and provide accurate answers within the allocated time. talk previously that focusing on one question prevents students from spending their time on just one question. (Ex. Some student has ignorant that why this question is not solved by me, but I am going to solve it anyhow. So, that arrogant personality, he/she might lose the valuable time that they may require to solve easy questions. ) But with the per-question timer, forcefully allows students to go next question.

These time constraints encourage students to pay attention and help them avoid careless mistakes or errors caused by overthinking.

5) Improves the security of exams and Reduce Cheating

Students have limited time to solve the question it has several benefits, we show some of them and the last one is it improves the security of exams. However, because of this feature, there is less opportunity for candidates to engage in cheating or any other activities such as searching for answers or communicating with others. It automatically enhances the security of the exam. It also promotes integrity and fairness.

Online exam software who have an online proctoring feature might not need this feature but it can improve the examination performance. It ensures that each student’s performance is based on their knowledge and skills.


Implementing a per-question timer in online exams offers several advantages that contribute to a more effective and fair assessment process. It encourages better time management skills and simulates real-world scenarios where quick thinking is necessary.

Furthermore, when you consider buying online exam software, ConductExam provides you with the best customizable, user-friendly platform that allows organizations to implement per-question timers in their examination.

Bonus Information – Read to know What are Merits and De-Merits of online exams 2023