
We can say that the regular reviewing employee’s job performance can be Performance appraisal. Still didn’t get exactly? Come on let us discuss some points on performance to understand it. A regular review or evaluation of the employee’s job performance is known as a Performance Appraisal.

Every company keeps eye on their employee’s performance to know what changes have to make in the company’s environment. By on focusing their weak points company make strategies to make them stronger in their weak.

It also helps employees build confidence among themselves. Which can encourage them to work with more confidence and dedication. In every company growth of the company is depend on its workers or employees. So if the company wishes to grow its sales then it is very important to have good communication with employees or workers. This can lead to a strong bond between the company and employees which helps in overall company development and also in employees development.

As you see suppose if you are working in any company means you are employe of that company. Then what do you expect from that company? A good stress-free environment to work, well-mannered staff, good relations with co-employees and other staff. Right? So that is the main factor anyone always expects from the company are these things.

According to human psychology if you get these things better then your confidence level increases by 70%. You can do well better than before. Suppose if you don’t get any of these factors then it will disturb you in your work and you can’t concentrate in your work which affects in your overall development.

How does Performance Appraisal work?

Generally in any company supervisor or manager leads the appraisal process. This means that supervisors or managers review their employe’s performance. They keep track of their employee’s performance and create a report on it.

To handle the appraisal process better supervisors or managers have to build strong communication with the employees. They have to create a friendly relationship with employees to know what they are facing in. This can lead to the overall development of the company.

This process in which supervisors or manager review their employees is known as the top-down method. There are also similar processes in the appraisal process.

Self Assessment:

In this appraisal process, employees assess themself to know their performance. Employees make a report on their daily tasks, how much they complete daily, what is its perfection rate, how much time they are consuming to complete one task, and is it accurate or not.

These are some points employees take care of while they make a report on their performance. This helps an employee to know their strong and weak points.

Contemporary Assessment:

Contemporary assessment means co- employees give their opinion on a particular employee. An employee is assessed by other employees. They give their feedback to the manager who is creating an appraisal report on a particular employee. What do they feel about that employee and their experience working with that employee?

Things happened to them while working with that employee. Share the good and bad experiences. Co-employees know each other better than anyone else because they work together throughout their working periods. So they can judge each other better as they know most of the things about co-employees.

360-degree Feedback Assessment:

This type engages more people to assess. In this type of assessment, the manager takes the opinion of the whole staff of the company to review one particular employee. This helps in getting more opinions and knowing the exact performance of that employee. Getting more different feedback helps managers to make accurate appraisal reports and avoid partiality with one or other employees.


Generally, Appraisal reports are made by the manager or supervisor. Appraisal reports are generated annually or quarterly depending on the company. The appraisal process helps companies to boost their employee’s confidence levels.

After the generation of appraisal reports the employee’s meeting is held. In this meeting, the best employee of the year who dedicated their time and knowledge to the growth of the company is appreciated by giving certificates or trophies. An employee who dedicated himself/herself to the complete overall development of the company is appreciated by the company in front of all other employees

This helps that employee to do more great things to develop the company. Other employees are also appreciated by the company to boost their confidence. The company also makes some strategies for their employees by focusing on their weak points. The company gives them proper guidance to improve themselves in weak areas.

From my point of view, any company should generate appraisal reports quarterly. Because this can help the company to make proper strategies on a live condition basis. the company can change strategies every six months and add some new strategies according to the trending market. While annual appraisal reports are also a good option. You can choose any of these.

Appraisal Exam Software

In research and talk with many managers, the problem found that managers are facing difficulties to create reports. Because they have to remember many things of all employes.

So to overcome this problem Performance appraisal software are available.

This performance appraisal software has features that can manage the entire performance reports of every employee. Even employees can self-assess self-assess themselves and see their performance, which can give them a little idea of where they have to improve.

Some features of performance appraisal software are given below:

Dashboard/ Analytics

This section of the performance appraisal system contains employees’ overall performance in graphs. It shows graphical reports of an employee. The dashboard also contains many other things such as employee’s attendance, leave, tasks(which they have completed and how much was allocated to them, etc.), projects, etc…

Graphs on the dashboard are generated according to your overall performance. This helps the manager or supervisor to create an appraisal report. Such kind of software helps the company overall and saves time which is more important now.

Tasks Manager

Task Section should be there in your performance appraisal software. This task manager can help in managing tasks for an employee. Suppose if I want to give some work to my employee if I do I physically by calling them into office then, I t may consume much time. Maybe it happens sometimes an employee is not free and working on some projects so I should not disturb him/her.

At that time task manager helped me a lot. In this situation, I will just add a task to that employee and notify him/her. He/she will see the task and start development on it. It saves both time and effort.

The task manager also keeps track of how much time an employee takes to complete a task. It also keeps records of all tasks performed by an employee in the past. Based on this graph is created in the dashboard.

Attendance / Leave Manager

Every performance appraisal software has an attendance manager. It shows how punctual are you about time. Your daily attendance is maintained in this software. You can also have leave management in that. Leave management allows you to manage your leaves. If you are going on leave then you can just mark it on the software. The manager or supervisor or HR executive reviews it and can approve or decline your leave as per reasons.

It also keeps the history of your attendance month-wise, so if there is any miss understanding, then you can refer to it again. This helps both employee and manager to see the punctuality of a particular employee.


The communication feature can help you to communicate with co-employees. You don’t have to call them or go to their desk. All you need to do is you just have to write a conversational message and send it to the targeted employee. In short, everyone who is using this software can make conversation with you.

Basic information about the company employees is also shown in performance appraisal software. Such as their intercom telephone number which helps you to call any employee in the office in urgency. Other information such as employe name, post and what service they are serving in company.

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The performance appraisal process is much important in any company’s growth. It helps in reviewing employee performance. Which employee contributed more to the company’s growth. This software helps managers or supervisors to create performance appraisal reports more accurately. Saves time for managers or supervisors and also decreases their efforts to handle the performance appraisal process.

To manage the appraisal process more effectively, supervisors or managers must build strong communication with their employees. They need to establish a friendly relationship with employees to understand what they are facing. The company will therefore be able to develop in the long run. It’s also important for the company to recognize and appreciate other employees to boost their self-confidence.

source website: Investopedia

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In every company relation between manager and employee is more important to work properly. Then only a proper working environment will be maintained. Employees can work properly which directly or indirectly helps a company to grow its sales. There are lots of benefits of the performance appraisal process which we have discussed above. The software also provides many features to automate the performance appraisal process which can help everyone in the company assess themselves and the manager or supervisor to assess employees.