
If we take history books and read about how institute Conduct Exam? then we surely have different answers according to the particular region. Conducting exam patterns was may different In India than the other region like the Chinese or Mesopotamian region or others. But the main focus here is that the exam is a continuous developing process why? Did you think that is why institutes conduct exams? The common answer would be that: it helps to go to higher education right?

Yes, it was the answer but nowadays examination is not only for passing exams and going to higher studies, but today it would become much more. Today’s examination works with students’ personalized learning. An examination is a major part of student development. And from year to year, an online examination is becoming the most important part of the education system. Most of Online coaching institutes uses online examination system to streamline their education process easily.

Coaching institutes like StudyIQ, NewLight Institute, Zenith IAS, and more are using Conduct Exam’s Online Exam Software.

Also read: An Online Exam Software for competitive exam coaching

In this blog, we will see why the ConductExam is a better alternative for online examination. Why did these institutes choose us from the market? But first, let’s answer some basic questions.

Readers, Are your Institutes using Online Examination System? Mostly the student’s answer would be Yes because most of them are using the software. The online examination system is more convenient than traditional exams. Read our blog on how online exam is safer than the offline exam. What are the features ConductExam uses to be a better alternative for Online Examination?

Conduct Exam is a better alternative from the Admin’s point of view

First, we will some best features in terms of the admin’s point of view.

Easy to add/import questions

Admin or teachers can import questions easily with the system. The process of creating a question paper is difficult that’s why Conduct Exam is providing Question paper generator software with it. It reduces the task of teachers and fastly generates exam papers. That’s why teachers can also focus on students’ studies. And also because of easy import questions teachers don’t need too much time to spend on the system.

Admin can Import/Export the data or documents easily in Excel, Word, or PDF format which makes this process more flexible. When one teacher uploads the paper on a platform then the principal doesn’t have to go physically to the teacher and ask for a question paper. he/she just download from the web/application.

Conduct Exam Support videos/image type of questions

Nowadays exams have different types of questions with facing different difficulties. ConductExam supports Audio/Video/Image questions which help to conduct a primary-level examination. Even kids from standard 1 to 5 can give exams. They easily understand the question with these graphics. It enhances the overall examination experience and provides a comprehensive evaluation of students’ understanding.

Conduct Exams also support different types of questions for higher level education like conducting exams for the UPSC, CGL, SPSC, JEE, and NEET students. The platform allows adding the complexity of question-level using many formats such as single choice, multiple-choice, true-false, fill in the blanks, match the following, matrix match and descriptive type of questions especially for civil service examinations.

Different Reports to Analyze Student’s Performance

One of the key advantages of ConductExam is the availability of different reports to analyze students’ performance. These reports provide valuable insights into individual strengths and weaknesses, enabling educators to tailor their teaching methods accordingly.

As we show in Online Exam Software Trends 2023, Personalized learning is the most focused part in the coming future.

The system generates detailed reports that showcase performance metrics such as overall scores, section-wise analysis, time taken per question and comparative rankings. Such comprehensive feedback empowers educators to make data-driven decisions and devise effective strategies for individual students or the entire class.

Automated Result Publication

Those days are gone were teachers check the individual papers and create a performance report manually on paper one by one. After the compilation of results teacher individually distributed the results. But now the result publication process, allows educators to define the date and time for result declaration in advance.

This feature ensures timely and accurate dissemination of results to students, saving administrative efforts and reducing the scope for errors. Instant result publication enhances transparency and provides a sense of fairness to all participants.

Educators can create online tests and sell them on the platform

One of the main benefits for the freelancer educator. You heard it right at present, many teachers work as a freelancer in the education system With the gaining popularity of eLearning platforms, their work is going immense.

Educators can create exam papers (which previously institutes hire outsourcing to generate question papers) and sell the papers by uploading them on the platform. With the platform’s unique feature, educators can create online tests and sell them on the ConductExam marketplace.

This opens up new avenues for educators to share their knowledge, create customized assessments, and earn an income. It promotes collaboration among educators and encourages the development of high-quality assessments

Enhanced Supervision through Sub-Admins

To ensure smooth coordination and effective supervision, ConductExam provides a Super Admin feature that allows the creation of sub-admins. Super Admins can assign specific roles and permissions to sub-admins, enabling them to track and manage the examination process efficiently.

We see some features from the Admin’s point of view not let’s take a look from the user/candidates’ point of view.

Conduct Exam is a better alternative from the Student’s point of view

Flexibility to Apply Examinations via Web or Application

ConductExam offers candidates the convenience of applying for examinations through either a web-based platform or an application from their devices. ConductExam also provides a platform for virtual hiring with candidates who can apply for the exam anywhere, anytime at their convenience.

This flexibility allows users to choose their preferred method of accessing and participating in exams. ConductExam caters to their individual needs, ensuring a seamless examination experience.

Instant Scorecard

With ConductExam, candidates no longer have to anxiously await their results. The platform provides instant scorecards as soon as the examination is completed. This feature eliminates the suspense and provides immediate feedback, enabling users to gauge their performance and progress accurately. Instant scorecards contribute to a more efficient and transparent evaluation process, enhancing user satisfaction.

Identification of Time-consuming Questions/Topics/Sections

ConductExam’s advanced analytics feature enables users to identify questions, topics, or sections that consume the most or least amount of time during an examination. This valuable insight allows candidates to prioritize their efforts and manage their time effectively during future assessments. By pointing out time-intensive areas, users can focus on improving their efficiency, thereby enhancing their overall performance.

Question-wise Solutions and Explanations

After the examination, the system provides a file that consists of the solutions and explanation of each question which was uploaded earlier by the educator.

This feature enables users to review their answers, understand the reasoning behind the correct responses, and learn from their mistakes. The availability of question-wise solutions fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter, promoting continuous learning and growth.

Detailed Reports for Comprehensive Test Analysis

ConductExam generates comprehensive reports that provide an in-depth analysis of the user’s performance. These features are available in terms of the users. Users can generate these reports after the examination.

These reports include detailed insights into overall scores, section-wise analysis, question-wise accuracy, and time taken per question. By leveraging this information, users can identify their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to focus on specific areas for improvement.

Access to Downloadable Documents and Videos

ConductExam provides students with the ability to download supplementary materials, such as documents and videos, relevant to their examinations.

This feature allows users to access additional study resources, review course materials, and reinforce their understanding of key concepts. By offering downloadable resources, ConductExam enhances the learning experience and promotes self-directed learning.


Conduct Exam has revolutionized the online exam software landscape with its comprehensive set of features and user-friendly interface. These advantages make ConductExam the superior choice for conducting online examinations, enabling educational institutions, recruiters, and certification bodies to streamline their evaluation processes and deliver a seamless experience to all. ConductExam empowers candidates and students to perform their best and achieve their academic goals.


1) What is the difference between online examinations and computer-based examinations?

Online exam: Internet-based, accessible from anywhere, and allows remote participation.

Computer-based exam: Conducted on a computer, may or may not require internet connectivity.

2) Which mode is the better online or offline exam?

Mode preference depends on various factors like accessibility, convenience, and infrastructure. No definitive answer for “better” as it varies.