Nowadays, we are using the internet for many different things like researching for some information, projects, downloading the data and also get updates on the latest happenings all over the world, emails, instant messaging, chats, and many other things.

Can we use the internet for learning purposes? Yes! We can educate ourselves in the comfort of our own home and get a degree through the internet now. If you have no time to go to a university and attend classes, you can sit at home and learn with the several courses available online with the help of E-learning software.

What is E-learning software?

It means Electronic Learning Software which enables you to take courses and instruction electronically via the internet, a company intranet or the other platforms.

The software-based learning is commonly referred to as E-learning or online learning. In recent time, E-learning software becomes quite popular and appreciated by students, teachers, and institutes all over the world. There are so many benefits of E-learning software. Let`s see…

Benefits of E-learning software for educational institute

Simplify the work

The aim of introducing E-learning software in any institute is to simplify the work processes and reduce the operation time and minimise mistakes. It is easy to create the courses in a few simple steps.

Cover all the students

You are able to provide an educational program to a large number of the student not restricted by space constraints, the E-learning software system being scalable and enabled by technology. You can easily upload courses to a learning management system to track all of the learner`s progress.

Deep Work

You can provide two types of learning modules, one via the E-learning portal or website or mobile app and later provide doubt clearing sessions via the same channel.

You can build advanced assessments with drag-n-drops, rich media, video, branching and flexible scoring, and testing rules. You can select a variety of question types, including hotpot, matching, a word bank and more.


E-learning software has a positive influence on an institute`s profitability because it is cost effective as compared to the traditional mode of learning.

The cost decreased because learning through this mode happens quickly and easily. A lot of teaching time is reduced with respect to teachers, travel, course materials, and accommodation.

You can save print material cost by providing every study material in soft copies. Moreover, it is very easy to upload study materials. This also helps in increasing the profitability of an institute.

Personal attention

You can provide personal attention by the tutors on completion and doubts of the individual learner. All the students receive the same type of training with this learning mode.

Easy evaluation

It is easy to evaluate the performance of students by conducting the online exam by online exam software and assignments.

You can add quizzes and surveys to your online courses to assess learner’s knowledge. You can use multiple types of questions with images, formulas, audio, and video.

Reliable learning content

A high level of specialisation is possible by E-learning software. The content is taught by the most highly skilled teachers and professionals in the process of E-learning.

The E-learning software provides up-to-date learning content within the days after updates are made. The reliable content results in improved scores on certifications, tests or other types of evaluation. The student’ s pass or master level ratio will be increased.

Presentation based learning

With the help of E-learning software, you can transform your power point slides into presentation based courses with quizzes and quickly deliver them to students.

You can use your existing power point presentation or create a new one. The software transforms your slides into an online course, preserving all power point features, animations, triggers, transitions, multimedia, etc.

Quick delivery of lessons

E-learning software provides quick delivery of lessons. This is a very fast system of education. It saves a lot of time in the learning process.

The lesson starts quickly in a single learning session. As a result, the topic will be finished within a few weeks, or sometimes even days.


As E-learning software enables a paperless way of learning, it protects the environment to a lot of extents. There is no requirement to cut trees for obtaining the paper.

Support all formats

With the help of E-learning software, you can publish your courses in a mobile-ready HTML5/Flash format. Such courses will automatically fit the orientation and screen size of any device: PCs, Macs, tablets, and smart phones-ios, Android or Windows. The software allows you to create video tutorials without using any third party tools. You can make a screen recording and use it as a part of your E-learning course.

E-Learning Software Demo


If you want to improve your learners` communication skills, create a dialogue simulation. The E-learning software provides a number of pre-made interactive templates: 3D book with page flip effect, alphabetic directory, FAQ and timeline.

Benefits of E-learning software for Students


Today students want mobile, relevant, self-paced and personalized content for better understanding. This is fully possible only with the E-learning software.

Here, students are able to learn at their own requirement and comfort. The online method of learning is beneficial for everyone. We can see the notable changes in how the content is accessed, consumed, discussed and shared.

In recent time, there are so many educational courses for everyone. Students can choose to learn at any time and any place. Attend lecture any time:

With the help of E-learning software, you can access the content an unlimited number of times. This helps you at the time of revision when preparing for an exam. In the traditional method, if you miss the lecture, then you have to prepare for that topic on your own. But with the help of E-learning software, you can attend the lectures whenever you want.

Read Also: Start and Run online exam center

Updated content

E-learning software provides you updated content through synchronization. As a result, students can access updated content whenever they want it. This is a very economical option for learning and gaining a degree/certification.

Time-saving method

Students can increase their own speed of learning instead of following the speed of the whole group. Students do not require to travel to a specific location for learning.

They can learn at the comfort of their own place. Students will learn on their own device in their own time. E-learning software enables a very quick method of learning. All the students receive the same type of training with this learning mode.

Best study material

Emails, lecture videos and video conferencing are all possible through the E-learning software. It helps all the students to give their views on a particular topic and then discuss them further.

It also offers static pages like study materials to all the students. These web pages have hyperlinks that will lead you to another page and opens up a lot of information on the net.

Conduct Exam provides a variety of questions in a single subject, topic, concept, formula and more. So, the student can work more on the weak area with active preparation and practice of the subjected matter.

E-learning software can share study material with students so that they can download the documents, images, videos or related subjects, topics and study it.

Study material can be shared in PDF, excel and word formats and mostly all the major video formats which will help them in their preparation. They can securely access e-notes from any web browser including mobile browser.

Study material in all sections will help you to practice all types of questions. Students may be spending a lot of time researching, completing assignments and taking tests. This is the reason behind why most of the candidates opt for E-learning software instead of going for the classroom study.

Use a mobile/tablet app

E-learning software enables students to use their own device for learning purpose. Conduct Exam mobile application is very easy to operate.

This type of application provides relevant practice questions based on various competitive exams like IIT, JEE, NEET, CAT, MAT, etc.The application covers most of the subjects like logical reasoning, general awareness, quantitative aptitude, English, banking awareness, etc.

These applications are available on Google play for android device downloads. These applications provide thousands of questions prepared by toppers and experts, previous year questions, all India rank, comprehensive chapter and subject wise modules covering the whole syllabus, exam notifications, bookmarking feature for tougher questions and powerful analytics for performance checks.

The user can view the latest news published on the web as well as on the mobile app. The students will get notifications automatically when any new test series, study material, result or news is published.

Active learning

E-learning software promotes active and independent learning. If you do not understand the topic first time around, you can rewind the audio and video again and again.

You can remember the lessons for a long time with the help of graphs and images. Students can easily interact with the teacher and can ask questions in a live online session.

The shy students can get the opportunity to interact and participate in class discussion with more ease as compared to face-to-face class discussion. Students can easily concentrate on studies as they are not affected by other students and classroom activity.

Benefits of E-learning software for Teachers

Self Development

The most difficult task for teachers is to attract the attention of their students. E-learning software provides a variety of online resources that develops the creative thinking processes of educators. Teachers can use E-learning software to deepen their knowledge and increase their skills.


E-learning software provides much-needed effectiveness for teachers allowing them to maximize the potential for personal learning curves and styles within the classroom. It allows students and teachers to work together to meet scheduled targets.

Saves time

The benefits of E-learning software to teachers can be measured regarding time-based efforts and work load reduction. They can quickly create tests and quizzes using a question bank. The E-learning software also permits the automation of marking those tests and quizzes. Check Omegla Software

Varied learning tools

E-learning software allows teachers to access a wide range of learning tools and resources. It enables them to provide learning by embracing the real world application of theory through multimedia, video, chat, and interactivity.

Freedom to experiment

E-learning software allows teachers to develop and create their materials according to their schedules and whenever they want to.

They can review all teaching materials as many times as needed. It gives them the freedom to experiment in their teaching practice and the ability to make changes if something doesn’t work. It also allows them to make audio and video recordings of their lessons and then to watch, analyse and reflect on the same recordings afterwards.


The benefits of E-learning software for teachers include the ability to receive constant feedback from their students about understanding their content.

The software allows teachers to stay connected to their students outside of school hours in order to exchange ideas, resources, videos, methodologies, and pedagogical practices.

It allows them to support their students outside the classroom where they don`t spend much time together, and to give them additional instructions on subjects like art, singing, chess, and cooking.

Teachers are allowed to lead students to success both during and after school. It also allows them to stay connected with students from all over the world, as well as to share ideas and gain inspiration.

To sum up all, E-learning software plays a vital role in the field of education. It gives several important benefits to teachers, students, and institutes. It enables well-established connection among them. Thus, we can say that E-learning software is beneficial for everyone.