
Nowadays with changing needs of the academic era, education institutes need the School Management System. Not only the schools but all education institutes like colleges, and coaching institutes, the organization needs some kind of tools. Tools mean systems or software that ease their day-to-day process or you can say streamline their daily process.

However, Manufacture industries working hand in hand with the ERP (Economic Resource Planning) system in recent years. The same thing has happened to institutes. Most schools change their day-to-day process to easy software solutions like school management. In addition, the school management software market rose from 17.9 Billion USD to 62.9 Billion USD from 2022 to 2031.

In this blog, we will gonna see all the details about the school management system. What are the main features of the system and how it helps schools? Let’s answer the first question of why schools need this software.

Why do Schools Need School Management System?

Schools use mostly paper in daily tasks. It is hard to make copies of every important document and store it in one place. However, in previous decades schools manage this kind of task easily because there was a low percentage of education rate in India. Students hardly come to school to study. But now it is different. Now, thousands of students study in the school with proper management.

Even small schools need an extra workforce for this kind of task. However, with technology advancements like cloud-based solutions, it becomes easy for schools to store all the documents in one place without any proper physical storage room.

With this technological advancement, each person like Administrators, teachers, parents, and students is getting benefits from this. By carefully designing school management software, school administration can reduce staff workload, improve data security, and reduce costs for students and teachers. It is expected that all of these factors will eventually increase the cost-effectiveness and productivity of the educational institution.

Advantages of School Management System

A school management system beneficial for all

  • Monitoring your child’s academic progress will be available to parents.
  • A teacher or educator can use it to conduct online classes more easily.
  • School administration can easily keep track of online payments and other school-related activities.
  • Students can stay in touch with all their classmates at any time and from any location.

Who can use School Management System at your schools?

A school management system is designed to acquire the diverse needs of educational institutions, ranging from primary schools to universities. It is a tool that can be utilized by administrators, teachers, students, and parents. It fosters effective communication and collaboration among all stakeholders.

Whether you are a small independent school or a large educational institution, a school management system can significantly simplify and streamline your daily operations.

Features of School Management System

Student Information Management

In the previous traditional management method, there is one employee or you can say a teacher that manages all these tasks. It collects every student’s admission form to every test he/she gave under the academic education. And segments all the information of students in one place. That’s a lot right? Yes! but this software enables the management of student information effectively with cloud-based technology. It provides a centralized database to store and retrieve student records. It includes personal details, like Name, Address, parent Information, Parent profession, DOB, previous schools (if any), and legal government-issued documents like an Aadhar card.

However, the system also stores the academic performance and attendance of students. It helps to analyze how many days students are not available in the class that can benefit by teaching them in extra classes. It also holds disciplinary records. This feature allows administrators and teachers to access real-time information and generate reports effortlessly.

Teacher’s Information

When as a parent you searching for the best school for your kids, you want to focus on things like which teachers gonna teach your kids. right? Yes! every parent is worried about their children and wants that he/she gets the best education.

With this feature, parents get information about every teacher that works in the school. It also shows the experience of teaching. However, in one aspect it helps to finalize students’ admission. The website system provides personal information of some teachers like a phone number that can help in some critical situations to connect teachers immediately.

Admission Management

From the admission form to the student’s first day at school, the system manages all processes effectively. In the traditional method, parents have to go to school many times for the admission forms, etc. (first-time parents go to school for just visit, the second time they go to school for the admission form, etc and last time for the fees) That’s why it is a time-consuming process. It also requires a burden of files to prepare for one admission.

With the school management system, the burden of files is replaced by just putting data into the system. The administration can access the data instantly whenever needed using this method. Registration and admission processes for both old and new students can be managed efficiently using such software. In this way, the software can reduce the possibility of human error.

Attendance Management

Tracking student attendance manually can be a difficult task. Those days are gone when teachers take register sheets to each class and ask one by one student if they are present or not. It allows teachers to mark attendance digitally. It provides accurate and up-to-date attendance records.

Moreover, management system automates the attendance process with digital gadgets and it does not require to create how many days a student coming or not. Because software allows them to create reports on students’ attendance. It generates individual student reports just in seconds. It making easier to monitor student attendance patterns, identify trends, and take necessary actions if required.

Online Assignments

The rise of online education was in the year 2019, when the pandemic comes everybody has to go for the e-learning platform. That’s where the submission of the online assignment term comes into the picture. Teachers can create and upload assignments, set deadlines, and provide instructions through the system. One of the most used software for online submission is Microsoft Teams.

Students can access the assignments, submit their work electronically, and receive feedback from teachers. This feature eliminates the need for physical paperwork and promotes a paperless environment.

Online Assessment (Online Exam Software)

Online exam software is another trending aspect for the educational sector in the previous blog we shown what are the benefits of that.

Also Read: Online Examination System: Main Objectives and its Benefits

Online assessment reduces the workload of teachers and streamlines the education process. Nowadays software like ConductExam made it easy for institutes to integrate their management system with online assessment. ConductExam provides a customizable solution that helps to create software that integrates according to your system needs.

Teachers can create and administer online tests, quizzes, and exams, saving time and resources. Students can take these assessments from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for flexibility and accessibility.

Report Card Generation

An academic year is incomplete without a report card, which represents a student’s hard work throughout the school year.

School management software can simplify the generation of report cards for teachers and school authorities using interactive databases. The system can customize report card formats, including academic performance, attendance, and additional remarks.

The report card can be reviewed by teachers before finalizing and approving it, and it can be made available to students and parents immediately after approval.

Fees Management System

Without any software, it is difficult to organize fee management because several students make payments on their convenience day. You have to prepare a file that has all the data and then prepare bills, create receipts, make copies of them and give them to the parents. It is quite a time-consuming task without any proper software.

However, you can do all these tasks with just simple clicks. In recent years online payments, it made an easy task for accountants of schools. ConductExam provides a separate Fee management system for any organization with customization according to the needs of their business. ConductExam’s Fees Module is one of the most automated fee calculation modules on the market

Transportation Management

Today, generally schools provide transportation services to teachers. Moreover, integrating transport management within school management has extra beneficiaries. This feature enables efficient management of transport routes, vehicle details, and student transportation records.

However, The management of school buses has become much easier than ever before thanks to AI features such as Auto Routing, Auto Optimization, and Auto Allocation. This feature enables extra security for the student. Because it helps to track students’ bus routes by his/her parents.

The planner of the School’s academic year

An academic year’s calendar is the primary need for any educational institute. Because it plans your entire year and after that, you do not worry about the planning. The school management software helps you to create an effective event or academic planner that also guides all the stakeholders when some emergency event occurs.

In addition, the system is messaged all the stakeholders and is aware of some updates regarding the recent events. It could include meetings, lectures, schedules for exams, and assignments. An effective school calendar planner ensures that no stakeholder is left out when it comes to upcoming events.

Parent Access

An effective school management system provides a feature that parents of students can log in to their devices and get updates about their students regularly. It provides access to their child’s academic performance. Yes! it is bad news for students because parents know every activity about you in your school.

Moreover, parents get access to attendance records, progress reports, etc. Parents also stay informed about upcoming events in schools and important announcements through a dedicated website or application. This feature fosters parental involvement in their child’s education, enhances transparency, and strengthens the partnership between parents and educators.

Library Management

Small schools usually don’t have a library in the school but international schools require a library for their students. If you are a small school don’t worry now there are many software that are customizable according to your school’s needs. A school management system can efficiently manage library operations and it eases the task of a librarian.

The system tracks every book by its taken time to the return time. It has features like sending overdue notifications to the person who has taken the book. It also maintains the inventory of books so, Students and teachers can search for books, reserve them, and check their availability online, promoting a culture of reading and research.

Easy Communication with Parents

For a school’s smooth functioning, effective communication is a must. A school management system provides a vital platform for creating communication between teachers, administrators to parents and students.

The platform provides a facility where teachers can share announcements, assignments, and important notifications. Parents can access their child’s progress, attendance, and communicate with teachers, ensuring transparency and fostering a supportive learning environment.

Staff and Payroll Management

Last but not least, System provides efficient staff management. It gives details about which teacher is not available on a particular day which can help to manage every period. It also provides detail about which department requires needed staff.

However, The system also facilitates the generation of payslips, manages tax deductions, and tracks teacher benefits. This feature reduces administrative burden, eliminates manual errors, and ensures timely and accurate payroll processing.

Last Words

In conclusion, A school management system provides these features that streamline the education process more effectively. By implementing this software, schools or educational institutes can focus more on their core mission of providing quality education to kids. Also, optimizing the administrative processes hand in hand.

Now it is a growing property, It may be possible that in future we can see more features related to AI (Artificial Intelligence) in this software.